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Co-create a Calm, cooperative home without daily nagging so  everyone contributes, collaborates and considers one another (even if your child is distant)

Welcome to my Home Harmony Parent Masterclass!

This is a 5 week live training with practical implementation exercises to complete
with personalized feedback in a private parent community (not on social media)
The next class starts on the 29th January 2025

Get on the WAITLIST to book your seat and get the EARLY BIRD price of $297!

You get access to all training video replays and downloadable resources.

Create a peaceful home so everyone gets along and cooperates.

Equip your children with conversational skills for responsible independence in ALL areas of life, so you DON`T HAVE TO DO IT ALL and feel overwhelmed & frustrated!  





























How will This masterclass support you?

  • ➡️Support your child in healthier choices around tech, device use, chores, and downtime so you don`t feel the need to control their every move with constant consequences.

  • ➡️Control emotions so family members communicate needs with respect and less blow ups.

  • ➡️Co-create boundaries, and reasonable consequences (even if you don`t agree) that transform for lasting behavior change

  • ➡️Have constructive family conversations around chores/screens so everyone is accountable, and  knows exactly what they need to do.

  • ➡️Find solutions to conflict TOGETHER, as you INVITE more constructive problem solving without the misunderstandings and constant battles over screens and going outside.

  • ➡️Know what to say, when to say it and how to say it with parent scripts and tools!

  • ➡️Be a safe place for your child to share without judgement or reactions so you become an  influential role model they look up to and want to lean into your wisdom.

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This is for parents who want to connect with their child/teen and are overwhelmed with constant nagging or disrespect.
Stop the negative pattern of rinse and repeat what`s not working.
This is also for parents who want to be proactive and prepared for the (tw)teen years even if you are all getting along fine right now


Are you tired of managing your (tw)teens and you need a break? 

How can I trust my child and have a lasting honest relationship?

The Family Connection Framework is my signature strategy that really works - for the long term!

Get insight into what`s not working in your parenting and use these coach strategies that work in any situation, no matter what your unique family is going through.

Your child WANTS to connect with you and make you proud, but they have difficulty communicating their needs respectfully. These strategies help you gain a better understanding of how to support them.

Instead of dictating, nagging & lecturing, you will discern a better way that INVITES them IN to connect with you so you feel respected and appreciated especially if they are pushing away from you.

Do you want this for your family?


What does the home harmony MASTERCLASS include?


One 90 minute weekly LIVE group training for 5 weeks.

Private parent support community not on social media with personal coach available to answer any direct questions.


Exercises and action steps to complete  between sessions, collaboration with other parents and the coach in a supportive community, get  instant feedback


Training replays, family activities & exercises, worksheets, journal, templates: parent scripts & questions, conversation starters, healthy habits & agreements, chore chart contributions, wise tech use, and MORE.......


A 7-day relationship building action guide with quiz

What Else Do You Get?

My Coach TOOLS!

My Model of Control

Uncover triggers, challenge negative thinking patterns,renew your mind, change mindsets, regulate emotions, break negative cycles, respond in healthier ways, build awareness and empathy.

Connection Framework

The Family Connection Framework to build honest connection, and lasting relationships for inner transformational change

The Coach Approach Method

Shifting parenting & perspectives, from the Boss-manager to the Coach-parent, use questions and parent scripts instead of lectures & nagging 

What bonuses Do You Get?

  • A 7-day relationship building guide with quiz

MINDSETS: changing thinking patterns, and shifting your parenting will create powerful change!

"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will." Romans12:2

What will we be doing in 5 weeks!

Week 1: From Anxious to Anchored:

  • Explore my Family Connection Framework strategy with Christ in the center

  • Discover your roadmap to being the wise, influential parent you want to be, and your child wants you to be

  • Get handouts, and a parent roadmap.


Week 2:  Look Beyond Behaviors

  • Experience The Coach Approach Method to Home Harmony in ACTION!

  • Practice "THE SHIFT" every parent needs to make.

  • Explore a deeper way to connect and communicate with your child: how to speak when they won’t listen, what to say – what not to say and when to say it - so they lean in to listen

  • Focus on the person, not the problem: Discover your child’s (real) problem beneath the problem

  • Get parent scripts and conversation prompts to use in any situation!


Week 3: Be a Boundaries Boss

  • Co-create respectful boundaries and consequences that shift from control to problem solving collaboration.

  • Learn about different types of consequences, how to set them up and when to use them.

  • Set up solid systems and structures that clearly communicate so everyone is clear on expectations.

  • Get templates and resources on chores, responsibilities, and wise tech use for healthy habits.


Week 4: Create consistency and follow through

  • Disciple your children and model consistency: Be true to your word and build trust

  • How to set up respectful family meetings and conversations so your child wants to participate and it’s not just “another family lecture.”

  • Have hard conversations and calmly deal with conflict no matter how you feel.

  • “Check in” with how your child is doing with responsibilities and have a solid step by step plan on what needs to change for mutual supportive accountability.

  • Get templates and family conversational starters.


Week 5: Celebrate and parent with confidence:

  • Reflect on my Family Connection Framework and celebrate successes

  • Open discussion, recap learning and move forward with confidence, clarity, and connection as you focus on Christ.


“If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.” Col 3:1-2

Frequently asked questions:

How long is this masterclass?

5 weeks LIVE 75-90 minute coaching calls on Fridays starting on the 29th January 12:00pm -1:30pm MST 2025!

What if I can`t make the LIVE trainings?

You will receive all video replays in the parent community and get any questions answered. You will have direct access to me and the group support for 6 weeks!

How much time will I need to commit to this masterclass?

It will take 75-90 minutes of weekly LIVE coaching calls for 5 weeks. Between sessions, you can implement the strategies with your family and get support in a private community to discuss anything.

Who is this masterclass for?

Christian families with children ages 9 to young adults. You can begin implementing my Family Connection Framework with younger children, so when your children reach the (tw)teen years, you are prepared! Get insight from other parents who are already in the teen years.    


If your family is struggling with relationships, unclear boundaries & consequences, disrespect, sibling rivalry, social interaction, low confidence, or emotional challenges, The Home Harmony Masterclass is right for you. 

How do I know these strategies  will work for me?

My Family Connection Framework  supports a Christ-centered faith in alignment with God`s word. Combining my coach strategies with scripture supports parents in very practical ways as you use my parent scripts and "done it for you" templates so you know exactly what to say in your unique family`s situation.

What other support do I get?

Exclusive parent community (not on social media!) for support whenever you need it. Ask me anything for 6 weeks!

How long do I have access to the Private Parent community and video replays?

You have 6 weeks in the community and access to all resources and video replays during this time. I encourage parents to take action and implement the tools learnt and get support right away. Limited time encourages mutual supportive accountability and community interaction. All handouts, exercises, templates, journals etc are downloadable for you to keep forever (except video replays).


Will I get coaching directly with Mandi?

Yes! In a small group setting with other parents.

What is the cancellation policy?

If you cancel 24 hrs before the first training call (and there are still seats available), you will receive a refund with a $50 admin fee. If you cancel and seats are already filled, you will get a credit towards another masterclass or other services.

How do I find out more?

Book a discovery call to find out more!

You can either:

1. Continue this journey on your own, read books, watch videos, listen to podcasts, get  free stuff and try and figure out what to do differently. You will be more overwhelmed with information overload as your tw/teens grow up and struggle through these pivotal development years while you try and piece together all the information.


2. You can jump right into my Family Connection Framework with 6 weeks of private support, start creating connection and cooperation and know what`s possible NOW without wasting anymore precious time!

My "Coach Approach Method" to parenting draws out "potential," invites conversation,  and family collaboration so your child wants you to be a part of their lives into their adult years.

"Counsel in the heart of man is like deep water; but a man of understanding will draw it out." Proverbs 20:5


Get your family on the SAME PAGE, communicate respectfully in conflict situations, and find solutions TOGETHER, as you INVITE more constructive conversations around chores, screens, friends, and getting outdoors!


You will be more calm, and less overwhelmed because everyone`s contributing together over the summer!

Create respectful, trustworthy, lasting relationships that your child desperately wants and appreciates even if they are distant now.

Do you want this for your family?
Get on the WAITLIST to book your seat and get the EARLY BIRD price of $297!

Build RESPECTFUL RELATIONSHIPS & cultivate Responsible independence with dependence on god

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About me:

For me, the hardest aspects about parenting is being consistent and taking the time to listen carefully.  Consistently following through with routines, daily responsibilities and keeping to the rules agreed upon, can be challenging.  


Despite my best intentions, I failed often. Through those failures, I’ve learned the importance of good communication, setting clear boundaries with realistic expectations, actively listening to my children, and hearing their perspectives.

I don`t always get it right.


Understanding a "coaching role" rather than "directing every move," drawing out a genuine relationship of mutual trust and respect, parents can create calm and connection, as they point their children towards Christ.


In my work, I support students to build healthier mindsets towards resilient confidence & responsible independence, partnering with parents towards productive communication to create home harmony. 

As a veteran home school educator, and professional ICF academic life coach, I see hundreds of students struggling to break unhelpful habits, so they can live their best lives. I show students and parents how to use my unique coach tools that invites connection & collaboration, so you become the influential parent you want to be and your child is confidently ready for the "real world."

What do parents say about This Masterclass?


Thank you Mandi for this lovely class. I thoroughly enjoyed learning to ask more thought provoking questions. I am starting to get a better connection with my teenagers. I knew I needed to shift my parenting approach as the children grow up but it's hard to know how to change, this masterclass has given me direction and has also helped me let go to a large extent as we trust God to guide us in what's best for our children.


Thank you so much for this awesome masterclass! We have finally managed to connect as a family and stay calm. We re-did our chores schedule, and we came up with a plan that works for all of us. We are also communicating well and supporting each other, and this feels good. We are learning to discover triggers and react in more healthy ways to stress, and big feelings and this class has taught me how to coach my kids to find solutions together. Thank you for helping this happen! This masterclass should be taught to all new parents. Thank you!


Coaching has given me a much-needed support group of like-minded moms who want to raise their teens differently than the rest of society.  Mandi helps us find practical baby steps in order to build meaningful relationships with our teens. In this process, we grow into a new kind of parenting role in order to become the parents that we ACTUALLY want to be. I`m learning to talk to my teens in a more affirmative way! Mandi is caring, reassuring, affirming, & real. Coaching is the hidden secret to enjoying the teen years and beyond....Don`t miss the opportunity!

Get on the WAITLIST to get the EARLY BIRD price!

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