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See what satisfied parents and students say!

"The Teen Mentorship 101 class helped me overcome a lot of things such as massive stress and anxiety attacks"

Anonymous, Student

"Coaching helped me manage stress, set goals, start a planner, schedule my time, and organize my priorities"

Kimberley, Student

"I liked being able to discuss behavior patterns and mindsets in the Teen Mentorship 101 class and how to best resolve them"

Lisa, Student

"Healthy experience, gets to the heart of the child, much parent support"

Marla, Parent

"Positive influence and mentor to the whole family"

Doug, Parent

"Coaching reinforces what parents teach about living proactive productive lives"

Karen, Parent

Full Parent & Student Testimonials



"We loved the approach life coaching with Mandi takes. It`s about positive momentum into future goals and how to get where you want to go. We’ve seen our daughter grow in understanding her emotions, how to handle them and channel her energy into positive results for herself. Her self-confidence has definitely grown. Each person is different. Their goals and the approach or pathway they need to take to get there is different. Mandi takes the time to get to know each student and we were really impressed with the amount of resources for both student and parent. Through these weekly exercises she gets to the heart of the child to make the biggest impact.

If I had to pick one thing, even though she maintains the upmost confidentiality, she is able to help parents understand what moves and motivates their child. She allows the child to pick topics of discussion or areas of priority and then help them develop a weekly plan of action to tackle the issue. We were updated after each session with how we could best go alongside our daughter and support what techniques she had discovered and to see situations from different perspectives. It was a healthy experience for all of us. Mandi is extremely easy to talk to and accessible. She is kind, patient, prompt and a good listener. She is licensed in life coaching and takes classes as well as teach classes. I highly recommend Mandi and Life Coaching."- Marla, California

"We have seen our daughter progress in a number of ways. Self-confidence, grades, approach to dealing with interpersonal conflicts, self-evaluation, and goal setting have all improved.  Mandi was transparent in her approach to working with our daughter and keeping us informed about their progress. Additionally, Mandi provided us feedback aimed at improving our own communication with her. Mandi has gone far and above reasonable expectations of a coach. She has been a positive influence and mentor to the whole family and we are excited to continue working with her."- Gina & Doug, Oregon 

"My daughter learnt to plan, organize and set goals. She has been given a lot of positive encouragement and feedback while coaching. She is more mindful of getting her schoolwork done and she is now using checklists, schedules and written reminders to help her to keep moving forward towards her goals. Mandi`s coaching supports struggles parents face trying to help their child become more responsible. Mandi reinforces all that parents try to teach their child about living a proactive and productive life."- Karen, California



"We are very grateful that our son [16] could participate in one of Mandi's TeenMentorshipClass.

Mandi has a great way of relating to teens, which helps them participate and open up. All the topics and numerous materials definitely were eye openers and created an awareness about 

intentional use of time, strategies and discipline to get things done and he was very keen to apply and practice the new skills."- Rosemarie, South Africa



"I highly recommend the Teen Go Program. Ms. Mandi is providing very detailed emails for the parents after each class with information to what was discussed but also outlining how we as parents can support our teens on their way to more independence and self-confidence. Being provided with the language how to facilitate this shift, we felt how gradually the relationship with our daughter improved and the connection deepened with less conflict arising. Our daughter was very motivated after each meeting. Ms. Mandi gave her organizational and measurable planning tools to get a better handle on the completion of her school work which was extremely helpful as well." -Parent, California




"This course was awesome! There was a lot of challenging thinking involved, but I really benefited in learning about smart goals, motivation, and discipline, and so much more! I would definitely recommend this course to other students. One of many things I enjoyed about working with Coach Mandi is that she always encouraged us to be detailed and thorough in our explanations and assignments."- Alex, Pennslvania

"I always had problems when managing my academic and extracurricular activities. I could not focus on my goal and was always distracted by other activities. Now after taking this course, I learned what to do, what not to do and when to do things and this has improved my time management and organization."- Sam, Pennsylvania

"Coaching helped me manage my stress, set goals, start a planner, schedule my time, and organize my priorities. Coach Mandi is very encouraging and challenged me to keep focused and follow through on my goals."- Kimberley, California

"The biggest benefit I got from this course were the methods to productivity to get things done. I liked it because I’m a procrastinator. I don’t ever have a motivation to get things done. The way of working with a buddy was nice. As an introvert, it is almost against my will to talk with new people. The way of coaching in this course, the buddy system, was a way to coach each other. This way of coaching kind of eliminated the feeling of someone older. Once you get to know your buddy, it’s just like talking to a friend. I would definitely recommend this class to anyone who has a hard time staying on top of things. Or even someone who has some hard subjects at work or in school. This course has taught strategies to get over those things and to not get distracted when I am working.

- Philip, California



"I benefited from this class in many ways, I learned a lot about myself, how I can improve, how to accept and like who I am, how to motivate myself, how to get through tough times, thinking about other activities I could try to get me out of my comfort zone, and what career options are open for me that I would enjoy. This class has really helped me get through a tough time I had when I lost all motivation and became too lazy to do school work. This was a hole I slipped into and couldn’t get out for a while but this class has taught me ways and things to do to climb out of the hole and prevent myself from slipping in again. I loved the one-on-one sessions because I could focus on things that I want to work on or improve without having to worry about the time or other people just listening. I really liked how the coach was empathetic and didn’t stress me out if I didn’t get something done in time. This was a class where I could enjoy myself, learn so much about who I am as a person, and not worry or stress about school work. I also had a great time with the other students who were in the class and the fact that there were very few made it an even more enjoyable experience. I would definitely recommend this class to other students especially to those who are also stuck in this hole or loop of feeling lazy, moody, unproductive, having a lack of motivation for school work, etc. This is a great class to also just help you with your journey to adulthood and help get you ready for that big, scary world called life."-Isabella, California



"I received many benefits from this course, such as having mental responsibility and intentionally using my time. I loved learning about myself and growing in new ways I never thought possible. I loved working in this class because everyone was extremely understanding and open-minded to my words and ideas. We were all able to accept where each other is at during this time and always have room for improvement.  I would highly recommend this course to other students because it genuinely equips young adults with the necessary tools to succeed. This was one of the most important and useful classes I have done while in high school." -Lisa, California



"I really loved the Teen Mentorship 101 class, it has helped me overcome a lot of things I wanted to improve such as massive stress and anxiety attacks. I really liked having the full attention that my coach gave me, she always listened and gave me insightful advice."-Anonymous, Student



"I liked being able to discuss behavior patterns and mindsets in the Teen Mentorship 101 class and how to best resolve them." -Lisa, Student

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