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Makeover your Life Summit

The First of its Kind!

I am so excited to share that the early bird registration is now open for the 2021 Makeover Your Life Summit . I am a speaker at this summit and I will be sharing information on time management for mums, connecting with your teen (less correcting) and how to successfully launch your teen into adulthood. 


You can sign up for this life-changing, never-before-seen event at a nicely discounted price.


It`s been a really tough year and we ALL need some refreshing and encouragement! We were not meant to do life alone. We need a community of people for support as we journey this life with teens and homeschooling together.


This summit is going to impact countless women’s lives around the world. There are 8 tracks with 50+ workshops from 35+ women just like you who understand the unique challenges women face in different areas of our lives. Here are some examples of what you’ll learn in this summit:


  • How to save money on your grocery bills.

  • Reviving your marriage and boosting communication with your spouse.

  • Improve communication and connection with your children. 

  • How to stop being an angry mom and dropping the mom guilt.

  • Growing closer to God through prayer.

  • Practical tips for organizing your home.

  • Creating schedules that compliment your life instead of creating chaos.

  • Homeschooling with grace and ease.

  • Looking at health from grandma's eyes (and remedies).


Be sure to head over and register for the early bird special price today. This early bird price expires on January 5th.


I am so excited to share these workshops with you:



1. Tips to Empower Teens to Direct Themselves:

Do you struggle to know how much to do for your teens or how to direct them? What if your parent-superpowers and expertise were actually holding your teens back and negatively affecting relationships? Learn tips on how to parent with a coaching mindset so your teens become confident capable experts. Experience more connection and parenting freedom! Do less and gain more. 


This workshop can be found in the makeover your homeschool summit.

2. Tips to Successfully Launch your Teens:

The 3 R`s help teens adjust and adapt to new challenges and responsibilities that prepare them for real life. Are you concerned that your teen will not be ready? Explore 3 ways parents can prepare their teens for life beyond homeschooling. Hear some very practical tips and tricks from a veteran home school mum from Africa who successfully launched her 3 young adult sons.


This workshop can be found in the makeover your homeschool summit.


3. Time Management Head Hacks

What is hacking your time? Learn how to manage mom-hood and master your mental load. Develop mastermind strategies for greater time impact, parental influence and peace in the home.


This workshop can be found in the makeover your homeschool summit and makeover your schedule summit


What have you got to lose?


Don`t forget to register before the early bird access pass expires on 5th January! 


Early Bird Both Price Points (1).png

You can view and purchase individual tracks:


Makeover Your Spiritual Life

Makeover Your Finances

Makeover Your Marriage

Makeover Your Motherhood

Makeover Your Health

Makeover Your Schedule

Makeover Your Home

Makeover Your Homeschool


My workshops can be found in Makeover your Homeschool and Makeover your Schedule. 



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