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Writer's pictureMandi Frost

Use science to get buy in for students to use a planner

Updated: Dec 28, 2022

What makes students resist things that would make their lives better?

• It`s too hard to do (executive challenges)

• They haven't been taught how to it

• It will take up more time

• Nagging makes them not want to try

• They feel controlled and have no choice

• They don`t think it works (because they don`t know how to use it)

Here are some common reasons I hear from my students about not wanting to use a planner:

"I don`t need a planner. I`ll remember. It`s in my head. It takes up too much time. It doesn't work. It`s boring."​

You seldom hear them say, "I don`t know how to use one or it`s too hard."​ The fact of the matter is that it IS HARD for many students and to admit this doesn't make them feel good about themselves.

Watch for their reasoning as their reason may also not be the real reason. They often don`t realize their NEED to use one or they need help using it.

For those students who have executive function challenges, they need to SEE TASKS in a VISUAL way; to prevent brain overload and overwhelm!

Perhaps you're tired of trying to get your teen or student to use a planner?

When your child thinks they don`t work or has some other reason, they need to experiment with it to MAKE IT THEIR OWN.

In other words, once they realize that they need to make it work in ways that WORKS THE BEST for them, they will be more willing to experiment and brainstorm creative ideas with you!

Not in a way that works best for you!

If you want even more buy in, use science!

How about showing them how the brain works and how by not using a planner, they are overloading their brains and causing more overwhelm?

There is limited capacity in their working memories and they experience overwhelm by "keeping it all in their heads." Working memory is only a temporary storage "system" before it goes to the long term memory.

When it gets full, it`s like a phone battery that runs out of power and bandwidth (data storage). (analogy idea from academic life coach Gretchen Wegner: Anti Boring Approach to powerful studying)

They experience less:

  • energy

  • brain power

  • focus

Get the tasks and "to do nags" out of their brains

Getting the tasks or "to do nags" out of their brains and placing them in a visual planner will give them more energy, focus and life balance to do more of the things they love to do.

A planner is a TASK MANAGEMENT system with all the "to do nags" written down so students free up space in their brains for all the other thinking processes and executive function skills.

This video shows students the NEED to use a planner to avoid brain overload and overwhelm. (analogy idea from academic life coach Gretchen Wegner: Anti Boring Approach to powerful studying)

If you liked my video, your child/student may be interested in joining a supportive Teen Mentorship 101 coaching class where I use similar multi-sensory methods to teach in a way that`s meaningful and memorable for young people.

Create clear agreements for a Stress-free Start-up Semester and get this resource: 11 exact agreements with a step by step plan to create a calmer home environment!

Your child/student will develop self awareness; cultivate an authentic self-perception, get more organized & motivated with better executive function; and improve confidence,communication and connection.


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